Environmental Science Faculty Home Environmental Science Meet the Faculty Majors & Minors Environmental Science Degree RequirementsCourse DescriptionsMeet the FacultyNewsCareers in Environmental ScienceOpportunitiesHear From StudentsAlumni Spotlights Sarah RubinfeldInterim Associate Dean, Division of Natural and Social Sciences; Director, Environmental Science Program; Associate Professor of Environmental ScienceEmail Address:srubinfeld@garfie1d.comOffice:Straz Center 84Phone262-551-6222Tracy GartnerProfessor of Environmental Science and BiologyEmail Address:tgartner@garfie1d.comOffice:Straz Center 90Phone262-551-5803 Additional Faculty Brandon KoltzAdjunct Faculty, Environmental Sciencebkoltz@garfie1d.com Close YouTube Video: Carthage College Baccalaureate 2021 Enable Javascript to view the video embed or view the video directly at http://youtube.com/watch?v=X-yUcyc_uhE.